Thursday, May 20, 2010

Beautiful Disaster

Everyonce in a while you come across a song that just touches a place in your heart, one that you really relate to. I was listening to music on my holopad today and came across this song and it spoke to me and I wanted to share it with you.

Maybe I just need someone to take me home..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To Padme, to Breha

Mother's day was a week ago and I have yet to pay homage to my mothers. Both have passed from this life, a void I feel every day of my existance. I would like to take a moment to honor their memory here.

Breha, words cannot express the gratitude and love I feel for you. You took me in as a newborn baby and loved me like your own. You witnessed my milestones in life. You heard my first word, watched me take my first steps. Comforted me when I skinned my knees playing in the courtyards. Listened as I told you of my first crush, my first kiss. You helped me become a lady. Your beauty and class was timeless. Your love was always felt. Though I can't see you or talk to you, I hope in some way you can see me and the woman I've become, and that you are proud of me. I love you mom, and I always will.

Padme, I wish I could have known you. I remember your beauty and I remember your sadness. I consider it a blessing of the force to remember that much. Though our meeting was brief, I want you to know how much I respect you. When I was being groomed for the Senate, I heard many tales of Queen Padme Amidala. I was fascinated by her, not realizing she was you. Many people feel I should be angry with you, that you let the loss of Anakin destroy you instead of living for your children. Those people, those cynics, do not know what it is to love deeply, to love passionately. Anakin was your heart and you couldn't live with out him, just like a body can't live without a heart. I am grateful for your existance, without you there would be no me. I love you, and always will. Happy belated Mother's Day.