What is the source of my distress, you may ask? This:

What the kriff is that, you wonder? That is where we hold our galactic senate meetings. We have very important legislation being discussed, and while I am not at liberty to discuss what happens behind closed door meetings and with the general information about the legislation available on holonet, I won't bore you to tears with those details. This past month I have been told this by fellow senators:
"You should have blown up with Alderaan"
"No wonder Han never stays home, if my wife was a frigid bitchI wouldn't stay home either."
and worst of all,
"put a helmet and a black suit on you and you could be Leia Vader."
To my fellow Senators I say, "Kark you. I was not elected to be Ms. Popularity. I was elected to act in the best interests of the galaxy, not to promote my own personal agendas. Too many of you have lost sight of the reason the Senate was formed and have let money and power take precedence in your life. You are all doing a diservice to the galaxy and to yourselves. One day you will regret the choices and actions you are taking now."
And on that note, I am going to sign off. Oh, I didn't mention my Han is home for a while. We had a very, VERY enjoyable night. *winks* School is starting soon for Allana so I have been gathering her new outfits and supplies for school. Wish her luck! Thank you for letting me vent and may the force be with you!