Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Night Out

Last night, Han and I decided it would be great fun to take my little sister Cesera to a movie. The following is a transcript of what took place.

Me: We should do something fun.
Han:  Fun?
Cess: *curious* like what??
Han:  Movie? Bowling? Something like that?
Me:   Yes, or even skating? Since it's quiet, might as well make the most of it.
Cess: *nodnodnod, excited* yes please!
Me: You pick!
Cess:  ummm.... *can't choose* everything!
Me: *laughs* How about a movie?
Cess:  okay!! um... *looks through a holo- collection, trying to decide*
Han: I think Leia wants to take you to a theatre.
Me: Yes, with big tubs of popcorn, big holo screens..
Cess: *eyes widen really big* oooooooooooooooo! YES PLEASE!
Han: Let's go.
Me:  *laughs* What kind or movie should we see?
Cess:   you pick, big sissy! something fun! not those scary movies Daddy likes to watch.
Me:  *grabs your hand letting you walk between Han and I* Frozen, perhaps?
Han:  I am not watching Frozen.
Cess: *looks betwen you both* Frozen? Whats that about?
Leia: It is about a Queen who has powers to turn things to ice like Hoth. There is a princess, an ice smuggler and his furry sidekick, a prince who has potential to be great but chooses the dark path. Oh, and trolls.
Cess: ooooooh! That sounds cute! *looks up at Han*
Han:  What about We Are Stormtroopers? #manmovie
Me: I think you are outnumbered, Han.
Cess:  *giggles*
Han: Fine. *grumbles and says to ticket master* 2 adults, 1 kid for....*sigh* Frozen.
Cess:   *claps her hands, excited* YIPPEEE!!
Me:  Let's go to the snack bar.
Cess:  OKAY! *skips along, looks at the snacks in case* oooh, these look yummy! *sees the popcorn ad, almost drools*
Han:  *orders large tub of popcorn and 3 sodas*
Cess:  *finds their theater, runs in and looks around, wondering where to sit. Starts climbing the steps to the top*
Leia: *scans the theatre, climbs stairs after you*
Cess: *finds a seat in the center back, all bubbly and excited* oh boy oh boy!!
Leia: *whispers* Han, sit in the middle so we can all reach the popcorn.
Han: *grumbles about bossy princesses and sits down*
Cess: *takes her soda and calms down* #slurpp
Leia: *sips her soda and grabs a handful of popcorn* you want to build a snowman?
Han: *clenched teeth* No. #yes
Cess: *gasps as the film starts, starts to get that wide-eyed entranced look just as little Anna does in the throne room with Elsa, grabs some popcorn* wow.... #omnomnom
Leia: *looks over at Han, trying not to laugh.*
Han: Hey...that Ice kind of dude!
Cess:  *giggles, gasps* O-Olaf! *whispers* I like warm hugs too... *noms more popcorn*
Han: *absent mindedly eating popcorn becoming engrossed in the film*
Leia: Let it go, let it go...
Cess:  *jaw drops at the scene with Hans' betrayal, to herself: noooOO!" #spoiler ;)
Han:  *grabs a handful of popcorn* She should have stuck with that ice guy
Leia: I, for one, did not see that coming.
Cess:  *crosses her arms, pouts quietly* Hans is a poop.
Han: I knew a guy like him would end up with the princess!
Cess: *giggles* he needs his happy ending!
Han: *laughs, almost choking on popcorn*
Leia: *pats Han's back*
Cess:  *watches Hans get decked* Woah... I wonder if mommy can throw punches like that...  *slurps her soda*
Han: *snorts*. I know your sister could!
Leia:   *throws a piece of popcorn at Han*
Cess:  woah... *sees the popcorn fly, gasps* big sissy!
Han: Hey!  *brushes popcorn out of his hair*
Leia: *looks ahead innocently* a happy ending  *smiles*
Cess:  *grins big* That was a happy movie!
Leia: It was! I'll be singing for days now , much to Chewie's dismay.
Han: *macho* It was alright.
Cess:  *pokes your arm* You liked it!
Han:  #totallydid I mean, it's not like I'd watch it again or own it or anything.
Cess: If you say so, big brother.
Leia: *stands and stretches*
Cess: *stands and hops up and down, giddy*. This was so fun!
Leia: We should do this more often!
Han: It was fun. A night out with my favorite ladies.
Cess: *nodnodnod* Maybe next time Han can pick the movie.
And we dropped Cess off at home.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Wookiee's Are Better than Imperials

I overheard Han singing this and had to share.

  Wookiee's are Better than Imperials

Han: Wookiee's are better than Imperials. Chewie , don't you think that's true?

Han (As Chewie): Yeah, Imperials will beat you and curse you and kill you. Every one of them was bad except you

Han: Oh, thanks buddy. But Imperials smell better than Wookiees, Chewie, don't you think I'm right?

Han (As Chewie): That's once again true, for all except Tarkin.

Han: You got me, let's call it a night.

Han (As Chewie): Good night

Han: Don't let the Mynocks bite