Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kind of an OOC mix

Not much to report since most people I was developing storylines with have quit coming in the tweet feed. *sniffs arm pits* Maybe I smell bad? Maybe I am a bad tweeter? I don't know. Guess I need to get Vader to RFC me somewhere so I can make a new story? Even my alts are finding the lack of tweets disturbing.

In IC news, I am happy to report that Shmi has a job! She was hired to help Disco at their shop. I have never seen her happier, though recently is the first time I have ever seen her at all. I also get the sense kind of lonely too. Everyone is off working on their own problems and often times she is left alone at the shop. I need to make a point to go see her more. Hope you all have a wonderful day in the force!

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