Saturday, September 4, 2010

More Fan Letters

I received this letter in the mail from a fan from the planet Earth in the Milky Way system. It made me smile, so I thought I would share. ((author's note: this letter is actually based on a story my boss told me about his daughter))

Dear Princess Leia,

As Halloween will be approaching soon I thought I would share a story about my daughter with you. She is seven and a huge fan of you. For Halloween, she decided last year to go as Princess Leia. We made her a white Leia dress, put her hair in buns, and even gave her a light saber. We were walking through the neighborhood and at one house, they had a person dresses as the Chainsaw man. He had a chain saw that made noise but had no blade so as not to hurt the children. Anyways, as we got to this house, he came out to scare the kids. Several of them ran to their parents or cried, but my "little Princess Leia" took her light saber, hit him in the leg with it, and said, "Princess Leia fears no one!"

It was so cute and true. You have courage and strength that most do not. You are a role model and one I am proud my daughter has.

Best wishes to you,

Always a fan in Alabama


Thank you for sharing that. I appreciate the kind words and thoughts. Best wishes to you and your little girl and may the force be with you!

Princess Leia

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