Sunday, March 28, 2010

He's the Reason for the Teardrops on my Holo Pad

Exhausted doesn't begin to describe how I feel at the moment. How could he? Things were going well between us, things were feeling peaceful and he blindsides me like this. I can't compromise the lives of thousands on a rebel base for the two he captured. But their screams..they were in agony. That sound will haunt me forever. He has left me no choice. I can't sit idly by knowing my comrads, people fighting with me for the good of the galaxy, are in jeopardy. If this means war, so be it.

I spent last night with our chief pilot ((sure do wish Luke was here)) reconstructing Vader's ship, The Executor. Based on my recollection of the times I have been there, we have a pretty good understanding of all entrances and exits to the ship. I know the security there will be tough to break through, but we have to do something.

I just hope Allana doesn't get wind of what is going will she feel? Will she hate me forever? Probably, but it has to be done. In leadership there comes a time in doing what is right, and what is easy. This is not easy at all. My brother is on that ship, but it has to be overtaken and destroyed. The galaxy needs to be rid of that heartless beast, Vader, once and for all.

*yawns* I will post more later..I need to have a briefing with the troops. May the force be with you all.

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