Saturday, April 3, 2010

I Need You...

Another sleepless night for me, father. I keep replaying recent evens in my head, like a holo on repeat, and then my exhausted mind turns to you. How I long to talk to you, how I long for a hug and to hear you whisper, "Everything will be ok, Leia. Stay strong." As I strain in the dark to hear those words, the only sound I hear is the faint beep of various machines and security devices.

I wonder if you can see me, if you can hear me, if you approve of what I've done. Ever since I was a small girl I worshiped you. I will never forget the times you would steal me away from the hustle of the castle, and we would race through fields of wildflowers, laughing, enjoying the tranquility. I recall you being away on various diplomatic missions, but when you would return, after a formal welcome home dinner, usually you would offer your arm to me and we would walk the gardens. How I enjoyed the stories you regailed me with about various antics on the Senate floor. The concern you had about the uprising of the Empire. As a small child, I just thought of the Empire as "the bad guys" but the older I grew, the more I understood what the Empire represented. Your cause became my cause, and I fought and have continued to fight so hard to keep our dreams afloat for a better galaxy. I hope I have made you proud.

I really wish you were here, father. I need you..I can't do this alone..


  1. You're never alone. You've got a rich life, Leia. You've got your husband, your children, grandchildren, a bunch of friends who care... and me. You can do it. You have DONE it. You will keep doing it, because you're you. Your indomitable spirit drives you, and compels you to continue to make the galaxy a better place for all.

    I am so incredibly proud of you. Never, ever doubt that.

  2. *tear* Thank you, dad. I love you, too.
