Friday, January 29, 2010

Biggest Fear

Given the latest occurances you all are probably thinking: Sand People

However, there is one thing I fear more than even Sand People. I didn't realize how much I actually feared this til I was presented the opportunity to study the force with first Obi Wan Kenobi, then my father, the young Anakin Skywalker. At first I was very excited about the prospect, but the longer I think about, the more afraid I am becomming. Why you ask?


I am afraid I will become like him.

Silly fear? You may think yes. I think no. Opening myself up to the force opens myself up to a power I have never known and I am afraid it will change me, like it did him. I don't want that to happen, but what if I am genetically predisposed for it? Is it a risk worth taking?

I need to pull myself together.
Its just s silly reason to worry.. Right?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Can we say OUCH?

Young Ani and his friend Kitten wanted to go see Ani's mother, who happens to be my grandmother. I didn't want them going along so I graciously volunteered to take them on a trip to Tatooine. Shmi is a wonderful host, a very kind and loving woman. I have been having strange feelings lately, so I went on a walk yesterday to do some thinking and try to clear my head. Problem? I lost track of time! For those who don't know, being out in Tatooine after dark is NOT a good idea. I panicked, but Obi Wan told me to use the force to find my way home..I was doing great till I was surrounded by SAND PEOPLE!!!! I tried to shoot them with my blaster, but it was knocked away. I was hit really hard on my shoulder and my head. Just when I thought there was no hope left, my brother Luke showed up to save the day. He and Ani helped get me back to Shmi's, where I passed out.
Today, my head is killing me..there is a gash there and it is very sore. My should hurts and I feel like I have been beaten, but I am long term damage,I hope.

I am glad I was able to take Ani here..he seems so happy being with his mom..and it's nice getting to know my biological family..
Anyways, my head is pounding so I am going to go..
May the force be with you!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


So with all that is going on with my life regarding my dads, I decided to go to therapy. I had my first session last night and it was very helpful. It..feels good to talk about what I am feeling and not feel like I am being judged. I look forward to my next appointment.

In other news, my house has been home to 2 teenagers this week. Ani and Kitten have been staying the night with me. Allana has LOVED having Kitten around, and she always loves her granpa Ani. I love having them here as makes me feel like a mom. Here in the verse, I was thrown into being a gramma before I actually really was a mom, so it's great practice and I like to think I am pretty good at it. I helped Kitten find her first bra, and now that she is a woman, I am going to set her up an appointment so she can be examined and ask the doctor personal questions. It''s amazing to see how far she has come since she first arrived in the 'verse.

In other news, I am peeling..I feel gross and icky, but I try to keep lotioned up so people don't' notice as bad.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. This is Leia Solo, signing out.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There's no place like home!

Last night, Han and I decided it was time to head home. I had a wonderful time in Hawaii with him: surfing, hula dancing, relaxing on the beach. In fact, laying in the hammock on the beach was SO relaxing we both fell asleep and this happened:

It hurts. A LOT. There is this plant on Earth called "Aloe" and my loving husband has been dutifully applying the slime from inside of it to my shoulders. That sooths the pain for a bit. Plus my father, who knows all about burns, sent me an ointment to rub on it. I am just so afraid I am going to end up all gross looking like NakedVader. Not to mention the tan lines! I suppose one thing I inherited from the Skywalkers is vanity. I care what I look like! I just hope Disco was lying to me when she said my skin would peel off..that sounds painful..and GROSS. *shudder*

Anyways, I am glad to be home. I missed everyone, especially Ms. Allana Solo! I have lots of Gramma hugs and cookies for her when she gets home from school.

To save my marriage, I had to remove my twitterverse infomercial so I decided to use another media to advertise!

Now for the incredibly low price of $9.99 you can purchase a holo copy of Hula with Han!

BUT WAIT! There's more! If you order within the next 24 hours I will throw in a copy of Vogue with Vader ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

Hurry while supplies last! All major credit cards accepted!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Yesterday, Han and I decided to take hula lessons! Han was amazing! They even called him to the front to demonstrate the moves. While he wasn't looking I snapped this picture of him

After our hula lesson, we took a walk on the beach to watch the sunset. It was so beautiful and I am so glad I got to experience seeing it with Han.

We are having a great time. This was a much needed vacation for me. I can't wait to get home and see Allana though. I miss her but I know she is having a great time with Disco and Rose! Time for me to go, Han and I are lounging in hammocks on the beach. This is definitely the life! May the force be with you!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hello from the Sheraton-Maui Resort in Hawaii! It is the most beautiful place I have ever stayed in my life, which says a lot coming from a politician who has stayed in many palaces. So many natural wonders here: beautiful beaches with clear, blue water, trees and tropical flowers, and a Volcano! yes, that's right, I said a Volcano! I bet the inside of that thing makes Mustafar look like a Sauna!

Han and I had a wonderful night, without much sleep (we has a LOT of making up to do). After the most amazing night of my life, I lay in Han's arms, listening to him sleep, and I started to cry. Why, you ask? I was all of a sudden overwhelmed with how much I truly love Han Solo. Every day it just grow stronger and stronger. Right after that moment I was paralyzed with fear. I realized, one day Han may go on a mission or a smuggling trip and never make it back home. Of course after that thought I sobbed for hours. If I lost Han Solo, my heart would break. The bad thing about that is people in my family tend to DIE from broken hearts. I finally calmed myself down by remembering my words to Obi Wan..don't dwell on the past or worry about the future, just live in the present. And right now my present is lying here in the arms of the man I love and nothing is better than that.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Good news!

Han Solo is alive and well!

Where in the world is Han Solo?

Missing Person
Name: Han Solo
Nicknames: Stuck up, half witted, scruffy looking nerfherder
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Distinguishing characteristics: scar on his chin
Last Seen: Before Christmas aka Life Day 2009, wearing a white shirt, black vest, and black pants.

If found, please contact me via twitter. Please help me bring Han back home.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

If I could write a letter to me..

I don't know how many of you listen to music from the planet Earth, but when I went to Disney with Allana, Kiti, Ani and the Gryphon family I came across a very talented singer. He was in line at Space Mountain and all these women were throwing themselves at him, screaming Brad! Brad! Since I had a similar experience with people following me through the park, I figured he must be an important person, so I struck up a conversation with this gentleman. He was very fascinating, he was what earthlings call a "celebrity" and a "country music superstar". In conversation, he told me of a song he wrote entitled "If I Could Write a Letter to Me". I am going to use the premise of that song to address Barb's question from the blog below.

If I Could Send a Holo to Me...Leia Style

If I could send a holo to me
And send it back in time to myself at 17
First I'd prove it's me by saying how to fix the buns in your hair,
You twirl and twist the hair until it looks like you have two donuts there.
And then I'd say I know it's tough
when stand and watch Alderaan blow up.
And yeah I know that's your home and it just don't seem fair
All I can say is pain like that is fast and it's rare

And oh you got so much going for you going right
But I know at 17 it's hard to see things are alright
You have a bigger purpose
And still you feel like there's no hope left
And you're wondering if you'll survive
You'll make it through this and you'll see
You're still around to send this holo to me.

And right after Alderaan blows up
You are thrown into a detention cell.
And when that cute young man comes to rescue you and you have an urge to kiss
Remember he's your BROTHER and then sucker punch George Lucas!

Each and everytime you fight,
Just assume you're wrong and Han is right
And you should really thank Chewie
He spent so much extra time
It's like he sees the diamond underneath
And is fixin the Falcon till it flies

And oh you got so much going for you going right
But I know at 17 it's hard to see things are alright
You have a bigger purpose
And still you feel like there's no hope left
And you're wondering if you'll survive
You'll make it through this and you'll see
You're still around to send this holo to me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Charming to the last...

While reading through my fan mail today, I came across a several holos with a questions I am asked often. I decided to address them here:
Princess Leia,
When you were taken captive in A New Hope, you told Tarkin you would recognize his foul stench anywhere. Is that a literal statement or a metaphore for the harm he was doing to the galaxy?


Hot for you in Mustafar

I meant that in the literal sense. Have you EVER been in the same room with Tarkin? Apparently the Empire isn't too big on personal hygiene. Vader's torture methods are nothing compared to breathing in that filth. Soap and water Tarkin..ftl.

Your worship,
You told Han Solo that you only liked nice men. You said he was a scoundrel, yet later confessed your love for him. Seeing as you two have been an item ever since, how nice is he?

Curious in Coruscant

No one shares a love like Han and I. He can make me madder faster than any person I have ever met, but one flash of that sexy smile, and I melt. He is a VERY nice man and that's all I am going to say on that subject.

That's all the time I have to answer questions for today. If anyone has any further questions, feel free to formspring me or dm me on my twitter account: May the force be with you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

World Peace

While listening to a fellow senator drone on about galactic peace today, my mind was brought to the "alliance" Darth Vader has proposed to me. On one hand, no longer would I have to endanger the lives of those who have pledged allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, because if what Vader has told me is true, the Empire would be demolished. However, my gut tells me not to trust him. He was part of the same crew that still destroyed Alderaan after I revealed the location of a rebel base, granted that base had been abandoned, but technically I did not lie. Once I sign the treaty, there is no going back. The fate of the galaxy is in my signature, but by not signing, I will be facing years of war, many lives lost. I am trying to keep my personal feelings out of this, I don't want to be the "Bush" of the galaxy but on the same token, I just don't trust Vader. I wish my father, Bail Organa, was still alive. He would know what to do..

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fun Night!

Last night was the most fun I have had in a long time. As most of you know, my husband Han is a smuggler. He is away often on trips and I am left home alone to tend to business and keep an eye on my grandaugther, Allana. Allana is back in school, so it can get quite lonely on my ship. Luke, my wonderful brother, invited me to his ship last night and we decided to play board games. The game of choice for the evening: Galatic Battleship. After a long, hard battle, Luke came out the victor by sucessfully destroying all my ships. It was so much fun. I am so glad our paths have crossed. It makes me wish we could have grown up together, but maybe this way we appreciate each other more. I look forward to more fun and adventures with him in the future, force willing! Love you, Luke!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where do I belong?

Have you ever felt like you didn't fit in anywhere? Growing up I knew I was adopted. My parents, the Organa's, treated me as one of their own, but I never really felt like I belonged. I excelled in school and politics, thinking through my accomplishments I would finally feel accepted and while I have accomplished great things, deep down that is not enough for me. My biological father has done many hurtful things not only to me but those I love. A normal person would want to stay away from a tyrant, and while I know it would be smart of me to do that, I want to know that he loves me, that he is proud of me. I have always marched to the beat of my own drum, stood by my convictions. I just wish he could love me for who I am, instead of trying to make me into something I am not. As independent and self-sufficient as I am, I still need my father's love and approval. I want to know he cares. I want to know where I belong.