Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hello from the Sheraton-Maui Resort in Hawaii! It is the most beautiful place I have ever stayed in my life, which says a lot coming from a politician who has stayed in many palaces. So many natural wonders here: beautiful beaches with clear, blue water, trees and tropical flowers, and a Volcano! yes, that's right, I said a Volcano! I bet the inside of that thing makes Mustafar look like a Sauna!

Han and I had a wonderful night, without much sleep (we has a LOT of making up to do). After the most amazing night of my life, I lay in Han's arms, listening to him sleep, and I started to cry. Why, you ask? I was all of a sudden overwhelmed with how much I truly love Han Solo. Every day it just grow stronger and stronger. Right after that moment I was paralyzed with fear. I realized, one day Han may go on a mission or a smuggling trip and never make it back home. Of course after that thought I sobbed for hours. If I lost Han Solo, my heart would break. The bad thing about that is people in my family tend to DIE from broken hearts. I finally calmed myself down by remembering my words to Obi Wan..don't dwell on the past or worry about the future, just live in the present. And right now my present is lying here in the arms of the man I love and nothing is better than that.


  1. Glad you found Han & got to go on a vacation. And book-wise? I'd avoid that "Jedi Lies" or whatever it's called. Just...eww.

    Even if it IS beach trash reading.

  2. Thanks, it is definitely a much needed vacation! Bookwise..too late..I think I am scarred forever..

  3. *Facepalm* There was PLOT, DAMNIT!!

    Um. Glad you're having fun ...

  4. Oh and thank you for what you said. It was very much appreciated, Leia.
