Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There's no place like home!

Last night, Han and I decided it was time to head home. I had a wonderful time in Hawaii with him: surfing, hula dancing, relaxing on the beach. In fact, laying in the hammock on the beach was SO relaxing we both fell asleep and this happened:

It hurts. A LOT. There is this plant on Earth called "Aloe" and my loving husband has been dutifully applying the slime from inside of it to my shoulders. That sooths the pain for a bit. Plus my father, who knows all about burns, sent me an ointment to rub on it. I am just so afraid I am going to end up all gross looking like NakedVader. Not to mention the tan lines! I suppose one thing I inherited from the Skywalkers is vanity. I care what I look like! I just hope Disco was lying to me when she said my skin would peel off..that sounds painful..and GROSS. *shudder*

Anyways, I am glad to be home. I missed everyone, especially Ms. Allana Solo! I have lots of Gramma hugs and cookies for her when she gets home from school.

To save my marriage, I had to remove my twitterverse infomercial so I decided to use another media to advertise!

Now for the incredibly low price of $9.99 you can purchase a holo copy of Hula with Han!

BUT WAIT! There's more! If you order within the next 24 hours I will throw in a copy of Vogue with Vader ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

Hurry while supplies last! All major credit cards accepted!

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