Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Can we say OUCH?

Young Ani and his friend Kitten wanted to go see Ani's mother, who happens to be my grandmother. I didn't want them going along so I graciously volunteered to take them on a trip to Tatooine. Shmi is a wonderful host, a very kind and loving woman. I have been having strange feelings lately, so I went on a walk yesterday to do some thinking and try to clear my head. Problem? I lost track of time! For those who don't know, being out in Tatooine after dark is NOT a good idea. I panicked, but Obi Wan told me to use the force to find my way home..I was doing great till I was surrounded by SAND PEOPLE!!!! I tried to shoot them with my blaster, but it was knocked away. I was hit really hard on my shoulder and my head. Just when I thought there was no hope left, my brother Luke showed up to save the day. He and Ani helped get me back to Shmi's, where I passed out.
Today, my head is killing me..there is a gash there and it is very sore. My should hurts and I feel like I have been beaten, but I am long term damage,I hope.

I am glad I was able to take Ani here..he seems so happy being with his mom..and it's nice getting to know my biological family..
Anyways, my head is pounding so I am going to go..
May the force be with you!

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