Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where do I belong?

Have you ever felt like you didn't fit in anywhere? Growing up I knew I was adopted. My parents, the Organa's, treated me as one of their own, but I never really felt like I belonged. I excelled in school and politics, thinking through my accomplishments I would finally feel accepted and while I have accomplished great things, deep down that is not enough for me. My biological father has done many hurtful things not only to me but those I love. A normal person would want to stay away from a tyrant, and while I know it would be smart of me to do that, I want to know that he loves me, that he is proud of me. I have always marched to the beat of my own drum, stood by my convictions. I just wish he could love me for who I am, instead of trying to make me into something I am not. As independent and self-sufficient as I am, I still need my father's love and approval. I want to know he cares. I want to know where I belong.

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